May 27, 2020 – 8:55 PM ET – JKC Trucking owner Mike Kucharski joined the Daily Caller’s Stephanie Hamill to discuss the pressure that the trucking industry is under and how his company has been able to stay afloat to help do its critical part in keeping the American economy going amid the coronavirus.

“I want to praise President Trump because number one, there’s was a little bit of a disconnect before on how the product or how the food got to the store, I think a good chunk of Americans didn’t care or understand how it got there and what President Trump did was bring all the truckers to the White House and he gave a beautiful speech saying truckers are the back bone of America,— which they are,” said Kucharski. (RELATED: Gordon Chang: ‘We Are The Object Of A Hate Campaign By Beijing’.)

He went on to share other concerns and challenges some in the trucking industry are facing.


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